Sunday, September 7, 2008

Diet and Be Healthy

10 Day Fat Loss - Revolutionary Weight Loss System

4 Tips to Help You Diet and Be Healthy
By Wilson Snyder

When people plan for a diet, they might concern about their body health. In their mind, it is not easy to follow a diet plan without damaging their health. However, the facts are people can diet and be healthy at the same time by following some simple tips. In this article, I will offer you 4 tips to help you get there.

Tip 1: Avoid fast food

Fast food is one of the most important factors in United States to have half of the population overweight. To follow a healthy diet, you must go easy on cheeseburgers, French fries... Instead, eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, which are perfect sources of Vitamins and fibers.

Tip 2: Drink plenty of "good" water

People drink too much coke and soda instead of mineral water. But these unhealthy drinks do not provide the water your body really needs. Don't mention all the sugar and junk these soda drinks contain. So simply replacing all the unhealthy drinks with mineral water in your life will definitely help you diet and be healthy.

Tip 3: Dedicated times of exercise

Some people on a diet only do an incidental exercise, which is good, but not good enough. To truly make a diet plan work, you have to learn to schedule dedicated times of exercise. You are also highly recommended to have aerobic exercise included in your exercise routine to get the best diet result.

Tip 4: Knowing when to stop eating

A common issue is that people are not fully aware of how much they can afford to eat.
They only stop eating until they are uncomfortably full. The healthy way is to eat mindfully and understand what an appropriate portion size is for themselves.

We have discussed 4 tips to help you diet and be healthy. To really lose fat in a healthy way, you need to check out Diet and Be Healthy to see which one of the top healthy fat loss programs on the market can help you lose weight fast and effectively!

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Thanks for reading this article; we have additional information on healthy weight fat loss in my other posts.

10 Day Fat Loss - Revolutionary Weight Loss System

Fast Weight Loss for Busy Women

The Advanced Guide to Fast Weight Loss for Busy Women

Lose 15 Pounds Fast - The Easy Way to Losing Weight
By Tony B. Smith

Losing 15 pounds fast is simple to do. There are a few things you must understand in order to be able to achieve that amount of weight loss. Also, you have to be willing to be consistent on your efforts. With that said, I'm going to share with you some tips on how to lose 15 pounds fast.

Eat Small Meals

Make sure you eat small, healthy meals frequently. Try to eat at least every 2 hours. By eating frequently, you'll raise your metabolism, which will allow you to lose weight quickly. Also, be sure to eat complex carbohydrates.

Complex carbohydrates consists of whole wheat products, among fruits and lentils.

Drink Cold Water

Drinking cold water will raise your metabolism. When this happens, your body is force to burn fat for energy. This is exactly what you want to do. The cool thing about this tip is that you can be sitting around the house, relaxing, while burning body fat at the same time.

You should drink at least 8 glasses of water per day. And make sure the water is below room temperature.

Stay Active

You need to be sure to exercise. Exercising will allow you to keep your muscles toned and tightened, while helping you lose 15 pounds fast. You should exercise at least 3 times a week. If you're a member at a gym, you could do a cycling class, aerobics, or a kickboxing class.

Those are fun cardio exercises that'll help you lose weight quickly. If you're not a member at a gym, no biggie. You could run, walk, or jog around your neighborhood. Also, you could do sit-ups or crunches, push-ups, and squats.

These are some simple tips on how to lose 15 pounds fast. Make sure you stay consistent on your efforts. When you do, you'll be losing 15 pounds in no time.

Want more tips on how to lose 15 pounds fast? Well, go to now for more information.

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Thanks for reading this article, for more tips and suggestions,
please read my other posts for healthy weight fat loss.

The Advanced Guide to Fast Weight Loss for Busy Women

Fat Loss Diets - Which One Is The Best

Fat Loss 4 Idiots

Fat Loss Diets - Do They Work and Which One is the Best?
By Dennis Snyder

There are hundreds of fat loss diets on the market today all of them claiming to do miracles in helping you lose the body fat you have accumulated. Do these fat loss diets really work? Or perhaps the real question is which one of these fat loss diets work and where can I find the ones that do?

If you want to learn how to lose body fat you will need one of these fat loss diets to help give you the tools you need to succeed in losing your body fat. Losing weight is a voyage that can be very hard if you don't learn a few simple guidelines to help you get your body to burn fat quickly. That is exactly what a good fat loss diet will do for you. So some of these fat loss diets do work but only if you work and follow the guidelines of some of the better ones.

So which of the fat loss diets are the best? Unfortunately, a large number of fat loss diets have specifically designed a weight loss program to help you achieve weight loss fast, but, many times, these program are damaging to the long term health of a individual and are also not long term. A long term and successful fat loss diet involves eating correctly which includes eating some fats and every food group. Eat the right amount of calories that you will be able to burn. A good fat loss diet will allow for your body to function normally and will contain all the essential food groups, which includes Proteins, carbohydrates, fruits and vegetables, the right fats.

You should not follow a fat loss diet that claims that to loose weight a person must only focus on the protein and carbohydrate intake. You may lose weight to begin with but you will also helping your body to deteriorate at the same time. When my wife was diagnosed with diabetes she began a diet that included a whole lot more food than she had ever eaten. She basically began to eat healthy and she lost weight and felt better.

The bad news is that with so many fat loss diets available today how can someone review all of them and still keep up with the busy lifestyle we have become accustomed too. The good news is that hundreds of fat loss diets have been reviewed and five of the best have been rated and are available for your personal review. Thus cutting the time you will need to spend in review and choice of the best fat loss diet that is right for you.

You would not be reading this if you did not want to know how to lose body fat fast and easily for the long term. It is possible with a good fat loss diet if you follow the guidelines laid out for you.

Dennis Snyder writes on many subjects including health, fitness and finances. Dennis has been a counselor in these areas for over twenty years. You can find out more at

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Thanks for reading this article, for more information on healthy weight fat loss, please see my other postings.

Fat Loss 4 Idiots

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Do You Know The Correct Way To Eat Fruit?

In case you love fruits....

We all think eating fruits means just buying fruits, cutting it and just
popping it into our mouths. It's not as easy as you think. It's important
FRUIT IS THE MOST IMPORTANT FOOD. Let's say you eat two slices of bread and then a slice of fruit. The slice of fruit is ready to go straight through the stomach into the intestines, but it is prevented from doing so.

In the meantime the whole meal rots and ferments and turns to acid. The
minute the fruit comes into contact with the food in the stomach and
digestive juices, the entire mass of food begins to spoil.

So please eat your fruits on an empty stomach or before your meals! You
have heard people complaining - every time I eat water-melon I burp, when I
eat durian my stomach bloats up, when I eat a banana I feel like running to
the toilet etc - actually all this will not arise if you eat the fruit on an
empty stomach. The fruit mixes with the putrefying other food and produces
gas and hence you will bloat!

Graying hair, balding, nervous outburst, and dark circles under the eyes all
these will not happen if you take fruits on an empty stomach.

There is no such thing as some fruits, like orange and lemon are acidic,
because all fruits become alkaline in our body, according to Dr. Herbert
Shelton who did research on this matter. If you have mastered the correct
way of eating fruits, you have the Secret of beauty, longevity, health,
energy, happiness and normal weight fat loss.

When you need to drink fruit juice - drink only fresh fruit juice, NOT from
the cans. Don't even drink juice that has been heated up. Don't eat cooked
fruits because you don't get the nutrients at all. You only get to taste.
Cooking destroys all the vitamins.

But eating a whole fruit is better than drinking the juice. If you should
drink the juice, drink it mouthful by mouthful slowly, because you must let
it mix with your saliva before swallowing it. You can go on a 3-day fruit
fast to cleanse your body. Just eat fruits and drink fruit juice throughout
the 3 days and you will be surprised when your friends tell you how radiant
you look!

KIWI: Tiny but mighty. This is a good source of potassium, magnesium,
vitamin E & fiber. Its vitamin C content is twice that of an orange.

APPLE: An apple a day keeps the doctor away? Although an apple has a low
vitamin C content, it has antioxidants & flavonoids which enhances the
activity of vitamin C thereby helping to lower the risks of colon cancer,
heart attack & stroke.

STRAWBERRY: Protective Fruit. Strawberries have the highest total
antioxidant power among major fruits & protect the body from cancer-causing,
blood vessel-clogging free radicals.

ORANGE: Sweetest medicine. eating 2-4 oranges a day may help keep colds
away, lower cholesterol, prevent & dissolve kidney stones as well as lessens
the risk of colon cancer.

WATERMELON: Coolest thirst quencher. Composed of 92% water, it is also
packed with a giant dose of glutathione, which helps boost our immune system
they are also a key source of lycopene - the cancer fighting oxidant.
Other nutrients found in watermelon are vitamin C & Potassium.

GUAVA & PAPAYA: Top awards for vitamin C. They are the clear winners for
their high vitamin C content. Guava is also rich in fiber, which helps
prevent constipation. Papaya is rich in carotene; this is good for your

Drinking Cold water after a meal = Cancer! Can you believe this??

For those who like to drink cold water, this article is applicable to you.

It is nice to have a cup of cold drink after a meal.

However, the cold water will solidify the oily stuff that you have just

It will slow down the digestion.

Once this 'sludge' reacts with the acid, it will break down and be absorbed
by the intestine faster than the solid food. It will line the intestine.
Very soon, this will turn into fats and lead to cancer.

It is best to drink hot soup or warm water after a meal.

If you are looking for more suggestions, click here

Please see my other blogs for suggestions, tips and ideas for healthy weight fat loss

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Three Healthy Recipes To Lose Weight

Click Here! For Fat Loss Revealed by Will Brink

Three Healthy Recipes For Weight Loss
By Lana Hawkins

Sometimes when you are starting a new weight loss program you can be lost about what to eat. No problem! Here are some great foods that are easy to make and are healthy.

Ginger White Tea

White tea is a delicate tasting tea that is complemented by soft flavored herb and spices. This tea has just a touch of ginger to give the drink subtle layers of flavor.


- 1 bag of Tetley White Tea or another comparable White Tea brand

- Boiling hot water

- ¼ teaspoon ground ginger

- ¼ teaspoon cinnamon

- Sugar substitute (optional)

PREPARATION: Place the ginger and the white tea bag into a mug or teacup and pour the boiling water over the top. Cover and let steep for 2-4 minutes. Add a sugar substitute if desired and stir. Makes one serving with zero calories.

Low Calorie Turkey Ball Soup

This soup is hearty and filling. You can serve it on cold nights as a main dish, or on the side with a sandwich. Turkey ball soup also makes a great lunch. It only has 178 calories per a two cup serving, so fill up!


- 1 pound ground turkey

- 2 cans mixed vegetables

- 3 teaspoons beef bouillon

- 1 ounce dry pasta

- 1 tablespoon Italian seasoning

- salt and pepper to taste

- 1/2 gallon of water

PREPARATION: Fill a large pot with water and add the canned vegetables, bouillon, pasta and seasonings to it. Put the pot on high heat while you prepare the turkey. Prepare the turkey by rolling small pieces into balls the size of jelly beans and then add the turkey balls to the pot. Let the soup cook until it is boiling and the turkey is well cooked.

Healthy Pasta Dinner

Kids love this dinner because of all the textures and tastes. Broccoli is nubby, the pasta is firm, the sauce is smooth, and the chicken is chewy. It is a winning combination.


1 lb. package of frozen broccoli

12 oz. package of Smart Taste elbow pasta (or another kind of high fiber pasta) cooked

1 tbs. Italian seasoning

1 clove of garlic

Salt Butter flavored cooking spray

2 cans chopped chicken breast (You can also leave out the canned chicken and serve the pasta with a whole chicken breast or fish.)


PREPARATION: Steam the broccoli, then drain it and toss with pasta and chopped chicken breast. Chop garlic into small pieces. Spray a small saucepan with cooking spray and add the garlic and Italian seasoning. Pour garlic over the pasta mixture and toss. Add salt to taste. Serve immediately.

Lana Hawkins is the author of Fit, Healthy Self Blog. It's a great place to find fitness and health information you need to prolong and improve your life. Want a great Get Ready for Fitness Course for free? Or a 30 minute exercise plan that gets you strength and cardio benefits at once? Fit, Healthy Self has all you need to get and stay healthy.

Article Source:

Click Here! For Fat Loss Revealed by Will Brink

Thank you for reading this article; if you are looking for incredible results, please read the other blogs on healthy weight fat Loss at my home page.

Smoothie Recipes To Lose Weight

Click Here! For Fat Loss 4 Idiots

Best Weight Loss Smoothie Recipes
By Janis Breazell

There are tons of people who are quickly turning to the use of their own home blenders and creating power smoothies for their workout journey!

Why should you do the same? Well, let's just say that you will get tons of incredible benefits when you are trying to lose weight.

There are studies that prove that soy-based smoothies can help you lose weight up to three times as faster than a person who doesn't use the same thing.

It's a great thing that you should definitely start embracing today!

Drinking/Eating a smoothie also has something that is proven to be an "appetite" suppressant - not only will you consume tons of nutrients, but it will also reduce your urge to eat and your overall body's addiction to fatty and salty foods; something that will cause you to gain weight quickly!

It just keeps you full for hours - imagine making a smoothie with soy & whey protein, yogurt, fibers, fruit nutrients, etc; it's just an incredible way to lose weight as long as you follow the correct recipes!

Not to mention that smoothies can give you the perfect breakfast - power breakfasts are the most important part of ANY diet and can help lose that appetite all the way after you lunch-time schedule - it's that great with nutrients, and helps your body lose the weight quickly.

If you add protein to your weight loss smoothie - you'll have a heightened metabolism, which can lead to a heighten energy level, self-esteem level, and can make you much more productive throughout the day! Do you see why Weight Loss smoothies are the way to go?

Protein helps you build muscle - even if you do not want to be super bulk, protein will help you get that muscle mass to reduce the fat - remember, muscle build helps reduce muscle fat - so the real question is: Finally - what are the smoothie recipes?

Banana Smoothie

Step #1 - Make sure that you have a blender and about 5 ice cubes - more or less.
Step #2 - 7 &1/2 to 8 ounces of soy milk [soy milk is definitely the most healthy]
Step #3 - Two Tablespoons of Vanilla [Preferably Herbalife French Vanilla Mix]
Step #4 - ½ of a Banana [Fruit]

In a Rush? - Try "Fruit Juice" Recipe"

Step #1 - Add 8 oz of Fruit Juice from your local Grocery or Convenience Store
Step #2 - Add Herbalife French Vanilla Formula #1
Step #3 - Shake it
Step #4 - No need to take it out of the container - unless you want to of course

Banana-Strawberry Fruit Smoothie Recipe

Add One Frozen Banana
Add 5-7 Frozen Strawberries
1 and One-Fourth Cup of Water [preferably cold of course]
1 TableSpoon of Skim Milk Powder
1 Tablespoon of Whey Protein or Soy Protein Powder [Add a Little extra if wanted]
1 Table Spoon of Flax oil

Losing 9 Pounds in 11 Days using the FatLoss4 Idiots Program sounds like an impossible feat. By creating a diet that stimulates the metabolism and reduces fat - a person will be able to lose weight; no matter their body type! If you are interested in how you can lose 9 pounds in 11 days using the "Fat Loss 4 Idiots" dieting plan, then visit for more information

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Click Here! For Fat Loss 4 Idiots

Thank you for reading this article; if you are looking for incredible results, please read the other blogs on healthy weight fat Loss at my home page.

Fat Can Help You Lose Weight

Click Here! For Your Six Pack Quest

Can Fat Actually Help You Lose Weight? Extra Virgin Organic Coconut Oil & Weight Loss
By Karen Pijuan

Many Say Adding Coconut Oil To Your Diet Can Boost Your Energy Level and Your Metabolism, Helping You To Lose Weight

Coconut oil is high in medium-chain fatty acids (MCFAs), like lauric acid, that have been shown to elevate your metabolism. And that's good news for those of you trying to lose weight. As you probably know, the higher your metabolism, the more calories your body burns, even when you are not exercising. About 50% of the fat in coconut oil is lauric acid. It turns out that the amount of energy your body uses to metabolize these MCFAs is greater than the energy that the MCFAs provide, that means you burn more calories than what is in the oil just by your body metabolizing, or using the oil. In fact, scientists have found that lauric acid is the most quickly metabolized of all fatty acids. In addition, coconut oil seems to have a thermogenic effect, meaning it raises your body temperature. This also in turn boosts energy levels and metabolism, and may be why coconut oil seems to be so good for those with low performing thyroids.

Coconut Oil and Weight Loss

Many people have reported that consuming Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO) helps them to lose weight. They often see increased energy levels and fewer cravings for carbohydrates and sweets. It's easier for many people to eat less when consuming 2 - 3 Tablespoons of coconut oil per day, because the fats provide a feeling of satiety or fullness after eating that is not generally experienced when eating a low-fat meal. Perhaps that is one of the reasons why low-fat diets don't work in the long-term.

The Body Burns Coconut Oil 3 Times Faster Than Other Fats

According to a 2000 report published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, your body burns off coconut oil three times faster than many other common fats. In a 1986 study by T.B. Seaton et al in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, people who ate foods containing MCFAs (like the lauric acid in coconut oil) increased their metabolic rate an average of 12%, compared to a 4% increase for those eating meals with long-chain fatty acids (LCTs). The authors concluded that adding MCFAs and MCFA-rich foods (like coconut oil) to the diet could "over long periods of time produce weight loss even in the absence of reduced (caloric) intake". Doesn't that sound good? They are saying that you could eat the same amount of calories and still lose weight if you include MCFA-rich food like coconut oil in your diet!

Add Coconut Oil To Your Diet

Coconut oil is nature's richest source of these medium-chain fatty acids, which in addition to increasing metabolism have many other health-enhancing properties. So if you are trying to lose weight, you might want to think about adding coconut oil to your diet. There are many articles out there now in the media touting the "miracle" of coconut oil for losing weight, including one in Women's World Magazine. Although we would not call it a miracle, we do think it has its place in many diets, especially if you are trying to lose weight. In addition, there are other benefits of eating coconut oil, that you may be interested to find out about, that will be the topic of another article.

Copyright 2008 Karen Pijuan. This article may be copied only in its entirety and only if all links, including those in the resource box or about the author section remain intact.

Karen Pijuan is the owner of several health-related websites and has written numerous articles about healthy living, whole food supplements, natural body care and cleaning products, natural weight loss and more. Find out more about what to look for in a truly healthy vitamin, as well as resources for where to find the whole food supplements including Extra Virgin Coconut Oil that she recommends at In addition, you can find a great selection of organic, natural and healthy products, including the Nourishing Planet brand of extra virgin coconut oil at

A brand new supplement product that is being called the "Nutritional iPod" has not only whole food based ingredients with super antioxidant power but a unique, avant-garde chewable delivery system. These Chews 4 Health are not only free of toxic preservatives, but since they are chews, they start to get digested and broken down in the mouth, so absorption in the stomach is more efficient. Find out more by going to the Healthy Vitamins website referenced above and clicking on the resource section. They also have a great marketing program if you are looking for a new product to promote in your home-based or online business.

Article Source:

Click Here! For Your Six Pack Quest

Thank you for reading this article; if you are looking for incredible results, please read the other blogs on healthy weight fat Loss at my home page.

Lose Fat Naturally

Fat Loss For Idiots Click Here!

Lose Fat Naturally - What You Must Know!
By Steve Trump

Any doctor or weight loss expert will tell you that natural weight loss is the way to go. Why is this? Well, it's because a lot of diet pills and other methods of weight loss have many side effects and risk factors. Thus, the safest method for our health is to lose fat naturally. Nevertheless, the various quick unnatural overnight-weight solutions are still pursued by many people.

Producing something that has been extracted from plants or natural substances to help our body lose unwanted extra weight in a natural length of time or processes which our body is capable of is termed natural. It is an unsafe bet to take advanced weight loss chemicals of today's latest technology. Weight loss that has been lost in a short period of time through chemicals will surely find its way back just as quick. Worse of all, most of the weight loss drugs can affect your mental health in some ways. Ask yourself if you want that.

So what do you require? A natural weight loss plan is the simple answer, which will help you lose weight and protect your health. First, consider your daily food with regard to naturally losing weight. Make notes of what you normally eat. Check if this need to be changed. I should say that for naturally solving the weight problem, you need to come up with a healthy fat loss plan that will give you fast and long term results.

Many people with weight problems eat when depressed or feeling down. Often turning to food for comfort. This is simply a bad habit. If it is your habit to eat when depressed, then you can also cultivate a habit and get used to going for a run or eating healthy food when feeling depressed as well. Exercising regularly will aid in natural weight loss and help in relieving stress or depression.

Discover how to lose fat naturally - quick and easy, as we review the top fat loss diets online.

Get access to the top fat loss diets here!

Article Source:!&id=1336694

Fat Loss For Idiots Click Here!

Thank you for reading this article; if you are looking for incredible results, please read the other blogs on healthy weight fat Loss at my home page.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Lose Weight - Of Course You Can Do It Too

Lose weight in 10 days

You Can Do It!
By Michelle Murphy

Five years ago, I lost fifty pounds. It took 6 months, and a total lifestyle makeover, but I did it! I honestly believe that anyone is capable of getting down to a healthy weight, and staying there. You have to believe in yourself, and don't let other people hold you back.

Two things have to happen. You do have to get some exercise on a regular basis, and you have to learn how to eat a healthy diet.

I started to lose weight because of stress. We were in the middle of putting an addition on our home, and things weren't going well. I had been going through the motions of walking on the treadmill for 20 minutes a day, you know, to show the world I was attempting to be healthy. I hadn't taken off any baby weight, though. ( The baby was four years old by that the time.)

So, anyway, one night, I was very stressed about the outcome of our work, the builder wasn't making his deadline, which meant we were going to lose the sheetrock company, and the great deal that came with it!! The walking wasn't helping me feel any better. In a moment of anger, I turned up the treadmill to a running pace. I had to turn it down after 3 minutes, but I did the same thing again 3 minutes later. Then I did it again. Amazingly enough, when I got off the treadmill twenty-two minutes later, I really felt better!

So I did the same thing the next night. And I kept it up. The running periods kept getting longer. A month later, I realized that my pants had gotten very loose. ( We also had walls!) I went out and bought a scale. I thought maybe I was on to something and started to watch my diet. I ate Egg Beaters with toast and fruit for breakfast, and a healthy mix of protein and carbs for lunch and dinner. I added more fruits and vegetables to our meals, using the "Divide by 4" method. If I imagined my plate in four sections, one would be protein, one would be grains, and two would be fruits and vegetables. Eating a big salad with dinner fills me up.

I also stopped eating leftovers from my kids plates. I decided that going to my hips was no better than going in the garbage! I still turn to fruit for snacking, especially times when I know I'm not hungry, like TV time. I used to snack the whole time I was fixing dinner. When I caught myself doing that I realized I was really hungry, so I'd eat a piece of fruit.

I have pretty much broken that habit.

The biggest change I made was to listen to my body. I really don't have to clean my plate. I started this process by leaving 3-4 bites on my plate, purposely. It worked. I learned to tell the difference between being satisfied and stuffed. I enjoy what I eat ans stop when I feel full, even if it means pausing part way through the meal for a break. I put my fork down for a couple of minutes and think about whether I want more. Usually I'm done.

Nowadays I look forward to my workouts as time to refresh. I eat healthy for the most part, I do enjoy treats from time to time. I know what I want to splurge on and I make the most of it! I really believe anyone can do this. You have to make your health a priority and in your life, and then begin to make the first few changes. Everything else will begin to fall into place for you! I still turn to fruit for snacking, especially times when I know I'm not hungry, like TV time.

by Michelle

Article Source:!&id=1336757

Lose weight in 10 days

Thank you for reading this article; looking for some amazing ways to lose weight, please see my other blogs for suggestions, tips and ideas for healthy weight fat loss

How To Get A Smaller Stomach

Real People Don’t Diet – Lose Weight without dieting, exercise or drugs

How to Lose Weight Off Your Stomach Fast and Easily
By Ryan Allen

Losing weight off your stomach is simply not as hard as many experts make it out to be. You can start today, and using a few clear rules can lose weight and get the stomach you've always dreamed of. It does take some time and patience, especially when trying to lose the last few "problem pounds", but if you exercise the right way and eat the correct diet it is definitely possible.

Firstly, the number one mistake people make when trying to lose weight from their stomach is to think they can "spot train". It is very hard, in fact almost impossible to lose weight from a specific area of your body, so don't try. For example, doing sit-ups will tone your stomach muscles but will burn fat from all over your body, not just your stomach.

The best way to lose weight from your midriff is through exercise such as jogging and biking. These will burn fat from all over your body. To get the greatest benefits from cardiovascular exercise, you need to do it for at least 30 minutes. This is because you will only start to burn fat after you've used up your stored "fuel", which will last most people about 20 minutes. After that you will be burning much more fat. Of course, they more you exercise the quicker you will burn the fat, but aim for two or three sessions a week to start with.

Even with this amount of exercise you still need to keep your calorie intake down if you want to burn fat. A good tip is to spread your food intake throughout the day rather than eating loads in a single meal sitting because you're hungry.

Do you want to learn how you can lose weight AND keep it off forever, while having fun at the same time? If you answered "Yes!", then visit the Fat Loss Guide!

Article Source:

Real People Don’t Diet – Lose Weight without dieting, exercise or drugs

Thank you for reading this article; if you are looking for incredible results, please read the other blogs on healthy weight fat Loss at my home page.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Get Rid of That Belly Fat With Some Mufa

If you want to lose that Belly Fat; fight fat with fat. Research has proven if you increase the Monounsaturated fat also known as MUFA, it will reduce Belly Fat. Foods like waffles, burgers, burritos, sausage, and even pizza, nuts including peanuts, walnuts, almonds and pistachios, avocado, canola and olive oil are high in MUFAs. Summer weight loss will work most effectively if you are enjoying the foods you like.

Avoid carbonated drinks such as fizzy drinks, including soda pop and spritzers. They increase bloating because the carbon dioxide trapped in the bubbles creates gas, which slows down stomach emptying. Most liquids eventually are flushed out or absorbed by the body. Sometimes our bodies absorb more liquids than we need resulting in swollen hands, face and stomach.

Eat cooked vegetables instead of raw. A smaller serving of cooked vegetables can deliver the nutrient content you need. Solid foods which are not digested properly become trapped inside the intestine and make you feel heavy and uncomfortable.

Many people think they can save a few calories by using sugar substitutes instead of the real thing. Some of these chemicals are digested slowly, partially or not at all. That means they just sit in your intestine and become gas pumps for several days.

When you chew and swallow your food, there is also air which accompanies your food. Drinking carbonated drinks causes bubbles which don’t disappear and they also end up in your intestines. When you eat foods like broccoli and beans, you create your own gas supply. All that gas gets stuck in your intestines.

If you are looking for another great way to reduce the belly fat, click here

Please see my other blogs for suggestions, tips and ideas for healthy weight fat loss

The Myths of Some Products Claiming to Help Lose Weight

The following information is provide by HAP Wise Health

Manufacturers of supplements have capitalized on over-the-counter products promising easy weight loss. Bethany Didur, Pharm.D., HAP Clinical Pharmacist, examines some of these products and their claims.

ALLI – The only over-the-counter weight loss medication approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). It touts the online support system and low-fat diet and exercise guidelines that come with it. The drawback is the side effects- frequent, loose and oily stools and excessive gas.

GREEN TEA EXTRACT – The beneficial effects of green tea are attributed to the polyphenols, particularly the catechins, which make up 30 percent of the dry weight of green tea leaves. Various research studies looking at green tea as a weight-loss aid have had inconsistent outcomes.

It’s not dangerous but no solid proof of effectiveness.

HOODIA – This cactus-like plant is native to the Kalahari Desert, where indigenous people have eaten it for centuries to maintain energy and stave off hunger. Pfizer pharmaceutical company reproduced the active ingredient but later abandoned production because they could not achieve weight loss results. Some products claim to contain Hoodia but don’t because it can be quite expensive.

GUAR GUM – This is a water-soluble fiber that acts as a bulk-forming laxative. The FDA received reports of esophageal blockage from insufficient fluid intake. For this reason, guar gum is no longer approved for use in over-the-counter weight loss aids in the U.S. This product can be dangerous and there is no proof of effectiveness.

The reality is, there is no quick fix or some type of magic for weight loss. Some products may be dangerous; others are benign but not effective – a waste of money. A better option to lose weight and keep it off is to commit to some of the tips included in my previous Summer Weight Loss blogs.

If you would like to lose weight without Diet, Exercise or Drugs, click here

Please see my other blogs for suggestions, tips and ideas for healthy weight fat loss

Sunday, July 6, 2008

The Mental Challenges In Losing Weight

Watch what you say

Would you ever tell a true friend that he or she looks fat and old; then why do you say it to yourself? Summer Weight Loss can be a challenge and your mental attitude will affect your overall success. Try to stop talking about yourself to yourself. Not only does it continue to make you feel bad but it makes it hard to stay motivated; then you feel you just can’t lose weight.

How About Some Accolades

Just because you may want to change your weight; your weight does not determine your value and worth.

Make a list of things you enjoy and cherish about yourself: your parenting skills, the collections you have such as porcelain dolls or coins, your ability to forgive others. Whether you gain or lose 15 pounds does not affect who you are as a human being.

Stop Being Mean to Yourself

When you don’t like the way you look, don’t punish yourself by withholding things from yourself. Treat yourself to massages, take a bubble bath, buy that outfit you’ve always wanted.

Small rewards will make you feel better about your body. The operative word is “small” so don’t over do it.

There Must Be Some Balance

Women tend to feel there is something wrong with the size of their waist and or stomach; but what about the other parts of the body. How about those great legs, pretty feet, beautiful eyes or just nice looking hair.

Think about the positives instead of the negative aspects of your body.

Accept the Things You Can Not Change

Fact: You have you mother’s round race, your grandmother’s crooked nose, your aunt’s short and thick legs.

There are some parts of the body you just can’t change. Accept them as traits which make you an Individual.

If you are looking to lose the weight at warp speed


If you need to lose the weight in 10 days

Please see my other blogs for suggestions, tips and ideas for healthy weight fat loss

Why Do So Many Fad Diets Fail?

When it comes to weight loss, it does not matter whether you eat fewer carbohydrates or less protein or fat when you are trying to lose weight. All that matters is somehow you take in fewer calories than your body is burning.

Choose foods you enjoy

You will be more apt to stick with a weight loss plan eating foods you enjoy rather than something which taste horrible. If you want to lose weight don’t waste calories on food that don’t taste good. Look for lower-calorie, nutritional foods you love. Summer Weight Loss will be more effective if you are enjoying the foods you eat.

Load up on fiber

Vegetables, fruits and whole grains are loaded with fiber and fiber is one of the most important components for successful weight loss.

Don’t punish yourself

There is no need to deny yourself those foods which are high calorie as long as you practice controlling your portions and modify your meals accordingly. Don’t super-size at those food chains.

Don’t Give Up

Remember you are going to have setbacks and possibly lose control. We all have situations which arise in our lives that may cause us to eat a whole bag of chocolate rather than a couple of pieces. Don’t let it cause you to give up on your ultimate goal which is to lose weight.

If you are looking to lose the weight at warp speed


If you need to lose the weight in 10 days

Please see my other blogs for suggestions, tips and ideas for healthy weight fat loss

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Successful Tips For Losing Weight

Get Motivated and be Successful in Losing Weight

5 Tips To Get You Started For A Successful Summer Weight Loss Plan

1. Stop Dieting

Don't forbid yourself of certain foods; just start eating less of them.

2. Eat MiniMeals

Having smaller, more frequent meals can prevent you from getting
ravenous hungry and overeating. On average, weight loss winners
eat five times a day.

3. Get A Grip on Reality

Keep a food diary of the number of calories you are eating daily
You will be shocked to find out just how many calories you consume.

4. Drink Up

Drinking lots of water keeps you from snacking when you're not
hungry, and it gives more energy.

5. Realize you're making changes for the long haul

learn how to eat less for the rest of your life.

If you are looking to lose the weight at warp speed

If you need to lose the weight in 10 days

If you are serious about losing weight check out this website

Please see my other blogs for suggestions, tips and ideas for healthy weight fat loss